This week I have been developing prototypes for a redesign of the Missourian. Specifically, I was coming up with a new way to present the daily calendar page. Currently it is a bit of a dumping ground where any even that is faxed in is put on the page. So, we wanted to scale back the amount of entries on the page and just highlight a few events. Picking only a few events also allows us to make it a more visual package.
I also came up with a new title for the section to replace "today's calendar" and a new logo to go with it.

The editors haven't seen it yet, so I haven't gotten too much feedback. I'd love to hear what y'all think. Thanks!
I like the colors you're using a lot -- much more fun than our regular newsroom colors. The one thing that I think is maybe a little visually cliched is the stepped-down type on the left side. You might want to think about which of those words you want to emphasize and make it the largest one.
I'm guessing this is for a two-column layout, right? I can't really see it stretching across a whole page.
It's a great idea. The calendar has always been very dull, and I think this would be a great way to spice it up. I like the color palette that was chosen, but I don't know if pink is a good color for the Tiger Hotel because it takes away from the sign at the top of the building. Overall, I think its a great concept and design.
I really like the logo; the colors are great and will give personality to the calendar. Lauren and I played with the idea of a columbia skyline for the true/false splash page. I like the typography. It's playful but refined and is applicable for the slogan. And today was the perfect day to get out and play around Columbia!
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