Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Week's Work

It's been a busy week design-wise (and school-wise, work-wise and life-wise...). Because spring break is a few days away, it's been double production for Vox. Inititally, I was a little worried about the extra work. Primarily because I had to switch my department design week with another designer when I had my trip to New York City. And it was my week for feature design. So, only three things to get in (all before running to work at two). Thankfully everything got turned in on time.

I'm eager to see my feature in print. One of the crtiques I recieved on my portfolio was a lack of feature design. So far, I'm happy with how this has turned out. Once I pull pdfs off the server, I will post them here.

Since they decided to use the cigarettes mimicking flipping someone off on the cover, I had to move that from my splash page. Instead, I featured a photo of a woman exhaling smoke. With guidence from Meredith, we rearranged the title to look as if it were smoke coming from her cigarette. Although I really liked my initial splash page, I think this works really well, too. The cigarette formation probably works better as a cover image, since it reads quicker. On the splash page, however, I had the opportunity to be a little more abstract, which I like.

Stay tuned for images soon!

1 comment:

Olive Tree said...

Hi, This is a very great blog!
I could tell how much efforts you take!
Keep doing!