Though I am still eagerly awaiting the arrival of the latest issue of
Vanity Fair, I've seen a little bit of buzz about this issue's cover. The cover features, as V.F. calls them, the new legends of comedy: actors Paul Rudd (love), Jason Segel, Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill. Also, as part of their photo shoot, the comedians recreated a well-known V.F. cover.

Some of you might be familiar with the cover, which featured actresses Scarlett Johansson and Keira Knightly and American fashion designer, Tom Ford. The cover was shot by the
Annie Leibovitz, of course. Leibovitz returned to shoot for this month's issue and recreated the cover. I'll leave it up to you to decide which one is better.

How anybody on this shoot, especially these men, kept a straight face, I have no idea. Spoof covers are always fun. I also love that Leibovitz shot the cover in tribute to her own March 2006 cover. Interestingly, the V.F. site doesn't seem to be calling this a spoof. Can you really call it a spoof if it is being done by the same photographer and publication? I'm not really sure, but I appreciate that V.F. is able to poke fun at itself.
For more fun photos from this shoot and more of V.F.'s new legends of comedy, click
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