Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Response: Meredith Presentations

I was really impressed with everyone's presentations. It was so great to see all the final products, especially after seeing so many pieces over the semester. And, after all that work, it was nice to hear the feedback from the Meredith representatives.

One of the comments Spoon got was on its pacing. In our group, we each worked on several pieces and then sent them to our creative director, Victoria, who compiled them into the correct order. Granted, the order of pages was determined long before we began designing. So, I really didn't give it a second thought. Our publishers handled the question well, though, and referenced to our idea of the book as a "foodie handbook."

All in all, it is a relief. Now I'm wondering what to fill the Spoon void with. (I have a feeling I won't have to look that hard to find something. The to-do list is still so long....)

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