My biggest project for the week, aside from spring cleaning, was designing a cover story for the Thursday edition of the Columbia Missourian. Since we were light on stories for the week, my editor and I combed through wire stories. There were several we could have used, but the one that stuck out to me was a piece on the economic situation. Basically, what do we call this mess?

I had the opportunity to search through Great Depression Era photos, which was really interesting. I decided to frame the story as a comparison from then and now. The story highlighted some of the parallels between unemployment rates, for example, so I wanted to show readers a comparison of numbers. I did that through my use of display text.
In addition to my first front page design, my first feature for Vox came out. It was part two in the series, "Columbia's Vices" and covered the city's smoking ban a few years later. I discussed my process a bit in this previous post.
Here's what I came up with:

Also, I worked a bit on a side project for my roommate. She's an English major and for her postmodernism class she had to put together and book of quotes and arts that explained postmodernism. Although she isn't graded on the design of it, she asked me to come up with a fun, quirky cover for it. In her book, she used a lot of Andy Warhol pieces and quotes. So, here is what I came up with:

1 comment:
this is really cool!!! I love it. Great job and great job in illustrator!
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