Well, the new year seems like an opportune time to resurrect this blog. I have been meaning to for a while now but let the job search and a new city distract the hell out of me. You can't blame me, can you?
So, quick life update: I am currently searching for a great graphic design job in New York City. I moved from Missouri to Brooklyn in August, three days before my birthday. I spent the following four months learning the subway system, experiencing the interesting folk that make up this city (and being creepily hit on by some that reside on the "interesting" extreme), job hunting, library haunting and eating, lots of eating (
did you know there is an entire restaurant devoted to just mac 'n' cheese? Oh yeah, it's as wonderful as it sounds.)
About a month in I decided I was having trouble filling the days (and would soon have trouble paying the rent) so I hit the temp agencies rather hard. Snatching up the first offer was probably not the best idea. Enter NYC Life Lesson #1: Recruiters have a job to do and it is not necessarily going to land you what you had in mind. Thus, I am temping at a book publishing company. While it is nice to at least be somewhat in the publishing world, there is hardly enough things for me do to keep busy. I scan papers and read the New York Times. Not what you'd call thrilling. Regardless, I am grateful that I have
something and I can pay the rent and buy food (all in the same month!).
So, here we are. Just back to work after the holiday. I'd like to say I have all these resolutions, but really I just have a renewed vigor to improve what I do and how I do it (does that count as a resolution?). That, and I'm hoping that 2010 will bring me some good job karma. I keep hearing that things will start to come back this year. Here's hoping!!